I took time off performing & shows mainly becus of all the bullshit that comes with it. it's ALOT of shit that i have to do whenever i get them, i'm bassicly my own manager. I have NO problem being a bussinessman, but there is a line i have to draw. I started this music thing not so long ago just as a kid who wanted to express himself, but now everythings so tainted. From pressure of competition to the people in my life that cause gravity sort to speak. I've been in the midst of just leaving the whole thing alone, and keeping going. My mom ask me everyday if i'm still doing the music thing, and that stresses me out. I feel like a fucking diamond sitting ina pile of dirt n dust. This life i'm pursuing is a bussiness, and in bussiness one of the MAIN things you need to learn is good location. HOUSTON HONESTLY HAS NOTHING TO OFFER ME. So, i gotta job to save up some money to move to NYC. I plan on selling my car before the move, and the tour in the summer should have my pockets a little better as well. Although i've made like 3 mixtapes ina couple months this year, i still feel unfufilled. My music is very slept on, i know my shits different n all, but damn. Lately I haven't been recording tho. I been writing a couple movies. N thats coming along good, if i get a company to put my movie to work, i might just focus on that for awhile. Might be moving to Hawaii for a little while with my brother, i'm thinking about joining the air force ina year if nothings working out. I'm almost down to do just about anything to get out of Houston. Gonna take a trip up to Cali this summer, to get on some small acting roles. I love you music, but i don't care for the music game. It's a bunch of bullshit, i've actually met a few people that told me the game aint what it is. It's people that chose different routes becus of all the bullshit in the game, and i don't blame them.
i fell the same way about Vegas its a ghost town to further my self i have to leave.