Self education is the best education. People can give you contaminated information, and have you thinking it's true. The blind leading the blind is what adults and teachers have doing. Instead of telling kids how bad they are, how you dissappointed you are in them, and how they need to focus on school to get far in life. How about we tell them how great they are. How nothing can hold them back at a young age except themselves. How proud you are to have them here. I hate that people act like their the "best parents". Everybodies a "good" parent. Yeah, right.. If that's the case then why is everybody so fucked up.. Everybodies fucked up in this world, everybody has problems, shit happens to EVERYONE! Pain is inevitable. Pain comes along with love, happiness, and success. Pain is in everything. You can't stop pain from happening to anybody. It's time for things to change. I can't sit and worry about everybody, but I do know my niggas and (considered) family will be good. I don't need to be forced to help ones I love. I'm sitting in this hotel right now thinking about how far we can go. I couldn't do this without a couple people by my side, I honestly prolly wouldn't even be influenced enough. Things are most gleam when i'm with my team. Also when alone, I beam like Laaaaaa Laaaaaa Laaaaa Laaaaa Wait till I get my money rightttttt.
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