Yo! I finished the mixtape with my homie Rizzy. It's 13 tracks, just waiting on the cover for that one.. it's alotta dope real life shit on there... Alotta verses & hooks from me as well. I got mad music on me, but i'm feeling shady about releasing anything.. Maybe i'll just add more songs to my bandcamp or soundcloud becuase it is a few that I want people to hear. In October i'm doing a 2-night show in Kerrville, Texas. So i'll be out there for halloween.. Which is cool becuase I don't have anybody to dress up with anyway lol. Maybe i'll wear a mask on stage, that'll be cool haha. One song i'm really excited about is the song named "Army". Which revolves around my life and being a soldier to lifes war. It means alot to me becuase I fight wars everyday.. Whether it's war within self, hunger, my babymother, my mother, my desire for death and suicide, money, my brother feeling unloved by me, or whatever it is. We all fight wars everyday. It's everyday life, every different day is a battle. Every year is tugawar. It's fairly revoloutionary as far as "Army" goes... As far as solo projects, I haven't dedicated any of the recent songs for any mixtape or anything like that. But I will put out songs when the time comes. As far as I go, i've been pulling myself in every which direction. I see inspiring things of the bigger picture of making it besides the obvious... but at the same time, i'm just tired... and sore.. I could just fly away, and start over. Without music for awhile, maybe i'll come back to it or maybe I won't. But this long overdue feeling of being away from the madness is almost approaching for me. I'll be making a decision shortly. Which might make a couple of my friends angry with me, but I gotta do what's best for me. Like I always do.
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